
Skincare Must-Do in Winter

We are in the middle of winter so you must be already dealing with common conditions that cold, low humidity, dried air bring to the skin during this season, and add to that, the new modality of wearing mask and using constant alcohol that wreak havoc on our skin, it´s not easy I know, but this why our Skincare Experts want to provide you 7 must-do daily skincare steps that will help you go through the rest of the season, soothing winter dry skin and helping it stay healthy. Here are some tips: 

Skincare Must-Do in Winter:

1. Choose fragance-free

This is a very common advice, but why is it so important? Well, fragrance ingredients impart scent through a volatile reaction which always causes a sensitizing reaction on skin and other negative skin reactions; this affects all skin types, not just those with sensitive or redness-prone skin.

You should choose a product that’s fragrance free, or some products that contain natural ingredients that have a pleasant fragrance, don´t cause irritation on the skin and are great for the skin, such as melon, vanilla, cucumber, aloe vera, almond, mango, coconut, cocoa butter, shea butter, and cucumber.

This is very important, especially in the middle of this pandemic that we are frequently using hand cleansers or alcohol-based hand sanitizers that can cause hand dermatitis, or hand eczemas. 

So, a good plan is to avoid any fragranced products, as they’re often the culprits causing allergic dermatitis.

2. Use warm water, not hot

Skincare Must-Do in WinterWho doesn’t love hot showers in winter? I do, unfortunately hot water strips the skin of natural moisture that keeps it healthy, hydrated and protected. Hot showers can dry out and irritate your skin causing damage to the keratin cells that are located on the most outer layer of our skin, the epidermis. By disrupting these cells, it creates dry skin and prevents the cells from locking in moisture.

To avoid irritating the skin, take a short, lukewarm shower instead and moisture then the skin properly in order to keep it healthy and protected.

3. Moisturize correctly

Whether your skin is dry or oily (or a combination of both) you need to moisturize it, just need to make sure to choose an appropriate one for your skin type: all skin types can benefit from a moisturizer.

After washing your skin, apply moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp since this helps to lock in moisture, and give it enough time to absorb the product completely before adding sunscreen or makeup. If you normally have oily skin but notice dry spots on some areas, apply a light moisturizer all over and follow with a heavier cream on the drier areas.

Ceramides are naturally found in skin but can be regularly disrupted; this is why our Skincare Experts recommend you to use a ceramide-rich cream to help restore the skin’s protective barrier.

4. Always dress smart

Every time you go outside make sure to bundle up properly. Always wear gear that protects your skin from external elements, like wear gloves on your hands‒preferably waterproof, if you live in a snowy climate, wrap a scarf around your neck and protect any of your chest that isn’t covered by your coat and a hat pulled low will keep your ears warm, as well as protect your hair from wind and cold.

Additionally, make sure to avoid any materials that may irritate your skin. If you feel itchy under your favorite wool sweater, wear a breathable shirt underneath or consider swapping it for a different material.

5. Drink enough Water

To continue the moisturizing routine, you should drink enough water throughout the day to hydrate yourself from the inside out. 

Keeping well hydrated during cold months is the best way to maintain the barriers of the skin fully functional and completely intact, they are necessary to protect the body from colds and flu. To ensure you stay fighting fit during the winter, make sure you keep drinking water regularly and fight back against the viruses. On the other hands, the effects of dehydration can be worse during winter which makes it more important to keep yourself hydrated. 

We tend to prefer drinking hot water or beverages during this season, so we recommend you to drink hot water infused with a dash of lemon or tweaked with cinnamon, green tea leaves or honey is a good option and another great way to get hydrated while comforting yourself during the colder months.

6. Sun Screening is always necessary

Even though the winter outside is colder and the sun is not as brighter as it tends to be in summer, your skin may absorb more ultraviolet rays than you think. 

Surprisingly, the sun is actually closer to the earth during the winter months, and the UVB rays are more powerful during this time, they are often referred to burning rays. Even though those rays are stronger during the summer, they can still cause sunburn during the winter.

The UVB rays are also the type of ultraviolet rays that have been linked to skin cancer, so adding sunscreen to your skin every morning can lower your risk of being exposed to those harmful rays. 

We recommend using a sunscreen that is SPF30 or higher for the best protection regardless of the time of the year. You will be protecting yourself from sunburn and skin cancer by wearing sunscreen.

7. Lip balm is a MUST

Chapped lips are common in winter because of exposure to cold air outside and dry, centrally heated air inside, these external elements make this delicate to lose its flexibility and become lips sore, cracked and scaly.

Our Experts recommend using a good and specialized lip balm because it creates a protective barrier between your lips and the frigid winter temps.

If you want to learn more about our medical facial treatments, don’t hesitate booking a free initial consultation with our Experts.

We are a Medical SPA located in the heart of Astoria that focus on providing professional quality services using FDA approved technology and following all safety protocols to make sure that our services fulfil their expectations.


Skincare Expert

Nurse, MBA – Marketing, NYS Licensed Medical Aesthetician & Certified Laser with more of 15 Years Experience

1 thought on “Skincare Must-Do in Winter”

  1. Thank you for reminding us how important it is to use sunscreen all year round, even if it’s winter outside and it’s quite cloudy. Sun exposure is harmful to our skin, and even if it won’t cause skin cancer, it will make your skin dry, and cause premature wrinkles and age spots.


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