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Creating a healthy anti aging skin care routine

When it comes to your skin, your everyday’s choices will affect the health of your skin in the future, that’s why you have to be careful on how you’re building your daily skincare routine that will bring out the best or the worst of your skin in the following 5, 10, 20 years and so on.

In this article we will offer amazing skincare tips proven to be good for your skin health such as the importance of protecting the skin from the sun every day, hydration from the inside out, cleansing and serum, and more.

Skincare according to each Skin Type

To provide adequate care to our skin is important to know the type of skin we have. The beauty routine for each skin type can vary in order and type of products selected… Let’s see more:

Oily Skin

This type of skin is the one that suffers more in hot months since it is exposed to high temperatures that favor the production of fat and sebaceous. As a result, the pores are clogged which causes severe acne and the texture of the skin looks shiny. That is why people who have this type of skin should keep their face clean, it is important to use products that contribute to the cleansing of your skin and organize your daily routine in the morning and evening. It is also necessary to use a moisturizer that is not oily or can be gel. And we recommend using face masks once a week to purify the skin.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is quite weak and fragile, to strengthen the skin and restore its shine it is important to exfoliate it, in this way; you will eliminate accumulated dead cells and contribute to cell regeneration. You can exfoliate your skin with specialized products for this type of skin, you just have to make circular movements or you can also visit professional and certified beauty centers that give you the help your skin needs. It is also important to use moisturizers that continue to restore the resistance of your skin. In addition to staying hydrated with water, finally, you can apply vitamin and moisturizing masks once a week.

Mixed Skin

Mixed skin is that which has a combination of oily skin and dry skin. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate care to maintain the balance between strengthening the areas that suffered from dryness and controlling excess fat production in other areas.

We recommend deep cleaning the T zone which is more prone to suffer from excess fat and acne. Include products to exfoliate your skin in your beauty routine. On the other hand, moisturizes the area of ​​the cheeks, usually it is the one that suffers from dryness and the little cream that is between your fingers and spreads it for the rest of the face. For this type of skin, we also recommend using purifying and moisturizing masks once a week that allow both to remove impurities from the face and to strengthen the hydration and resistance barrier of the skin.


The HydraFacial is an amazing treatment for skin health, it uses serums with antioxidant ingredients that offers great results in the skin, read everything about it:

Now, we could list a more tips that you should include in your skin care routine regardless of your skin type:

Using sunscreen

This step is vital for all skin types or age, it is really necessary all year round. Now, for each type of skin there is a sunscreen, choose the cream that is most suitable for you, so that you can prevent excess fat, or on the contrary, dryness. It is true that the sun provides some benefits such as activating circulation or greater mood, however, remember that exposure to the sun directly can cause the appearance of spots, lines and even cancer, so we recommend you protect yourself with a sunscreen, Wearing sunglasses and a hat to keep you protected from the strong sunlight. In case you tend to sweat a lot, remember to apply sunscreen as many times as you need during the day.


Keep a daily routine of exercises

that way you oxygenate the organism and the skin. The sweat that transpires when you practice a sport or do exercises helps you eliminate toxins that damage the health of your skin

Special masks for pigmentation

  • To show off a luminous skin without redness, apply the following special masks for pigmentation and restore the color of the skin:
  • To reduce dark spots or stains, take a clean potato and cut it in half, add a few drops of water on the cut side of the raw potato, rub the potato with circular movements over the affected area. Wait 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • The avocado has vitamin C, which is good for pigmentation, you only need to crush the avocado until it is completely free of lumps, apply it on the skin and leave it for about 30 minutes, then rinse it with warm water
  • To restore the natural color of the skin, you should dilute the apple cider vinegar with water, apply the solution on the affected areas of the skin for about 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.


Use moisturizers day and night to keep the skin in shape, with greater elasticity, firmness and delays aging.

Take two and a half liters of water

Take two and a half liters of water or 8 glasses of water daily, this way you hydrate your skin from the inside out and prevent the appearance of acne breakouts or blackheads. It is also important to eat vegetables or fruits with a high water content. 

Balanced diet

Do not forget to also take a balanced diet to take care of your complexion and your health in general. Food is an important part of caring for your skin.

Remove makeup before going to sleep.

You should never lie down with makeup, no matter how tired you are, you should always remove makeup before going to sleep. We recommend using micellar water because it cleans and removes excess fat that you may have on your face, you can use it in the morning and at night before sleeping.

Sleep the necessary hours

You must sleep the necessary hours because during the normal sleep cycle skin cells are renewed and toxins are eliminated, specialists recommend sleeping 6 to 8 hours a day


We invite you to get an initial consultation with our Skincare Experts for skin analysis and personalized advice.


Medical Facial Expert

Nurse, MBA – Marketing, NYS Licensed Medical Aesthetician & Certified Laser with more of 15 Years Experience

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