
Importance of Peeling

Nowadays, there are many innovative skincare treatments that reduce wrinkles, age signs, acne, blemishes, among others to improve the skin texture of adults and young people as well; one of those is named: Chemical Peeling. Peeling means to pull or strip off the natural external covering or protection of something; when it comes to skincare treatment, the process is similar.

Before getting the treatment, it´s necessary to do an exfoliation and then a chemical solution is applied to the skin that will make it looks like a “blister” and eventually peel off. The new skin will be regenerated, smoother, less wrinkled than the old one and better skin texture. It can be applied in the face, neck and hands. It works for all skin types and skin conditions.

Chemical peeling is used for:

  • Reducing age signs and lines under eyes and around the mouth
  • Removing blemishes and wrinkles caused by sun exposure
  • Eliminating acne or mild scars
  • Treating acne
  • Reducing age spots, freckles, and dark patches
  • Improving the texture of skin
  • Getting a smooth and fresh skin

These are just one the many benefits that chemical peeling offers to your skin. For that reason, Renew Esthetics recommends patients to apply this treatment that can provide them with the skincare solution that they need to treat issues such as wrinkles, blotches, scars, among others, before they get worst.

After chemical peeling is applied, it´s important to avoid sun exposure because the skin is temporarily sensitive, for that reason it´s good to wear sunscreen every day. It is also great to apply natural masks that reduce inflammation, protect your skin from getting bacteria and help it to heal faster and better. Besides, you should follow your esthetician instructions to avoid side negative effects.

We are dedicated to provide you with the highest services to our patients, we use the most professional and innovative products which are recognized around the world in order to provide with the custom skincare solutions that you need.

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Valid until oct. 31/2024

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