Cellulite Treatment in Queens NY
The Best Cellulite Removal Treatment. Non-invasive, The Best Results.
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Easily removes cellulite
Most women have cellulite, and all women hate it. The dimpled skin look is never hot, and even women who are in great shape often suffer from cellulite. It’s caused by uneven fat cells under the skin and it affects women more often than men because of the makeup of our skin. Until recently, women had virtually no treatment to help with cellulite. Now, there are many treatments available to help reduce the appearance of cellulite, including Velashape.
The Optimal Body Contouring Device
VelaShape III is the perfect, non-surgical answer for treating those ‘problem areas’ that cause women to feel so displeased about their body image. VelaShape is the most recognized non-invasive, body contouring treatment on the market today

Treat Yourself To a Smoother, Sexier Figure
VelaShape™ contours, shapes and slims the body by improving cellulite and reducing circumference in as few as 3 treatment sessions. VelaShape provides dramatic results without downtime or significant discomfort.
The secret behind VelaShape is that it is the first and only technology that combines elō s with vacuum and tissue manipulation to reduce the volume and appearance of fat tissues.
VelaShape III is a unique, easy to use, no downtime, comfortable, deep therapeutic body contouring treatment that delivers enhanced clinical protocols with consistent results that can be reproduced time after time.

Cellulite Treatment Before and After

FAQ about Cellulite Reduction with Velashape III Treatment
The Vela treatment is recommended for normal to overweight patients who suffer from unsightly cellulite in the pelvic region, around the hips, abdomen, or lower limbs. For optimized results, these patients should also be committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The treating clinician has the final determination for choosing the best candidates for the treatment.
The Vela Product line is the only non-invasive body shaping product to combine four different technologies including IR (infrared), Bi-Polar RF (radio-frequency) and mechanical tissue manipulation using pulsed vacuum and massage rollers. The combination of the IR and vacuum coupled RF technologies causes deep heating of the connective tissue including the fibrous septae which in turn promotes an increase in collagen depositing and local cellular metabolism resulting in a localized reduction in skin laxity and volume. The additional mechanical tissue manipulation of the Vela causes an immediate increase in circulation and lymphatic drainage, both essential components for healthy skin structure. More than 3.5 million independent treatments have been performed globally to date confirming both the safety and unique efficacy of this technology.